My Psoriasis Journal

Archive for the tag “scalp psoriasis”

The evolution of my psoriasis

Greetings friends,

in the article below i will try to describe and to illustrate with pictures the areas on my body there are affected by psoriasis.

So first of all, the psoriasis appeared on my scalp. In the back of my head, but during the year it healed, so i don’t have a depiction of it.

I have a psoriasis spot at the limit between the forehead and the hair:

scalp psoriasis

Also on the left side of the head. It can be seen under the hair:

psoriasis, scalp, hair

And arount the ears:

psoriasis scalp, ears

psoriasis around the ears

My psoriasis affects also the classical area – the elbows 😀

psoriasis on elbows

psoriasis spots on elbows

It is curious that on the elbow from my right hand, the spots are rare and smaller than on the left hand.

Anyway, i have psoriasis also on my legs. On the ankles:

psoriasis on ankles

anckle psoriasis

In these areas the psoriasis redness is not so intense.

I have a psoriasis spot below my left knee:

psoriasis on knee

And my biggest psoriasis spot is on my right leg:

red spot on leg, psoriasis

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